On March 22, an animated movie titled Pinocchio: A True Story was released in the US. Originally a Russian film, the American version features voice actors like Tom Kenny (Spongebob Squarepants, Mr. Show) as Geppetto, Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) as the talking horse Tibalt, and Pauly Shore (Encino Man, Class Act) as Pinocchio. Recently, videos have been popping up on Twitter from the movie, and while they are unbelievable, they’re actually real.

The 2022 film follows the titular wooden boy as his father creates him and makes him come to life. From there, Pinocchio runs away to join the circus, where he learns that a cat and fox are robbing houses and Pinocchio becomes the prime suspect. He also falls in love with someone else in the circus. A trailer for the movie was released back in January, and even for a kid’s movie, it’s incredibly forgettable.